California Living Trusts - Simplified
- Completed by Attorneys
- Customized for You
- Affordable Pricing
Our Ready-Made Plans offer the convenience and affordability of online planning without sacrificing the expertise of actual Estate Planning Attorneys.

Get started with our interactive and guided online questionnaire to gather the basics and design your estate plan. Attorney guidance will appear at every step of the way, and you can save your progress and pick back up where you left off anytime.
Drafts documents will be sent to you for review as soon as you complete the questionnaire, along with a video walkthrough explaining the initial drafts. While you're taking a look at initial drafts, our Attorneys will also review and prepare any necessary deeds.
Once a final version is agreed to, our Attorney led signing and funding guides will walk you through every step of executing your plan properly. Sign with a notary of your choice, or use one of our preferred partners.
Peace of Mind
Your Family is now protected from the pains of Probate Court and you've officially Secured your Estate - Congrats! As life changes, we'll be here to assist with updates to your plan as needed.
Ready-Made Estate Plan
Revocable Living Trust
Personal Property Gift List
Certification of Trust
Schedule of Assets
Pour-Over Will
Guardianship Nominations for Minors & Pets
Medical Directive
HIPAA Release
Financial Power of Attorney
Recorded Video Explanation of Plan
Signing Guide
Trust Funding Guide
(1) Trust Transfer Deed for CA Primary Home
Recording of Deed (County fees included!)
Attorney Guided Estate Plan
All of Ready-Made Estate Plans, Plus:
Review Estate Plan directly with Attorney via Zoom
Mobile Notarization of Estate Plan
Digital Backup of Estate Plan
Attorney Guidance on Trust Funding for 90 days.
Optional Add-On Services to Ready-Made Plans
Transfer of Additional California Property into Trust $300/deed
Transferring your primary home to the trust, and Recording fees at the County Recorder, are now INCLUDED in the base pricing! This add-on is for secondary/vacation/rental homes you need to transfer in addition to your primary home. Attorney drafted Trust Transfer Deeds to transfer your California real property into your newly formed Trust. We'll research your existing title, prepare a trust transfer deed, and record the deed at the County Recorder on your behalf (County Recording fees included in cost).
Personalized Attorney Guidance $150/30min
Ready-Made Plans receive in-depth written and video guides for every step of creating your plan, understanding your plan, signing your plan, and managing your plan. You'll also have access to our support staff for any technical questions along the way and if you'd like more guidance you can opt for our Attorney Guided option described above. If you choose our Ready-Made Plan and need just a little time with the Attorneys for more in depth or personalized guidance on your plan, you can schedule a Zoom meeting with them at your convenience in 30 minute intervals.
Future Updates to Trust $250
We don't believe you need to pay for a "membership" to keep your plan up to date. In truth, most families will only update their plan 1-2 times (if at all). Why pay a membership fee all that time if you're not using it? We believe you should only pay to update your plan if and when you decide to change something. You'll only pay $250 to update your Trust based plan should things change in the future. Of course, you own your plan and you can freely update it anytime using a provider of your choice as well, but we'll be here to assist with any updates should they arise in the future. Just email our Support Staff and they'll get you in the right workflow for updates.
Quality, flat-rate Estate Planning services
to safeguard your simple wishes
Estate Lock is a Law Firm dedicated to providing quality and affordable estate planning services for all California families with basic needs.
Not reviewed and approved by an attorney
No guidance beyond a series of questions on an online form
No certainty that what you receive will actually work when needed
Created by a Lawyer with your goals and needs in mind
Expert Guidance every step of the way
The Perfect solution to Secure Your Estate and gain Peace of Mind
Quality service and planning, but the price tag matches the experience
Might be more than you actually need if you have simple wishes and goals
Focused more on complex wealth situations that require comprehensive planning
Our goal is to give you exactly what you need to affordably Secure Your Estate - not too much and never too little.
Frequently Ask Questions
You’ve got the questions, we’ve got the answers! Don’t see an answer to your question here? Reach out to us anytime at

We’ve made things as simple as possible! Many clients will complete the questionnaire in 20 minutes or less, but you’re not required to complete things in one go. At the bottom of the questionnaire there will be a link for you to send your questionnaire to your email to pick it up later. Come back anytime and pick up where you left off.
We take several steps to make sure your information is secure, the first of which is to not have you include sensitive information (you will not be asked for your social security number or financial account numbers, as an example). This information can easily be handled outside of the software directly on your physical documents, so there is no reason to risk including it within any software.
All of the data you transmit is encrypted in transit and at-rest using industry best practices, including Transport Layer Security (TLS). Your data is encrypted at rest with AES-256 encryption in AWS data centers stored in the USA only. AWS data centers are managed in accordance with SOC 1-3, PCI DSS Level 1 and ISO 9001/ISO 270001. Our payment processing vendors are also PCI compliant.
Payment isn’t made until the very end of your questionnaire, so you can check everything out without needing to pay anything up front.
Of course! One deed to transfer your primary home to your trust is included in any Ready-Made Plan, and we can also transfer additional California properties for $300 per deed (this includes County Recording fees). We will search property records to find your most recent deed, prepare a trust transfer deed, and record the deed with the County Recorder on your behalf. Transfers between family members prior to transfer into a trust may be added as well.
Once you complete the questionnaire, you'll have drafts for review in your inbox within minutes! You'll also have an in-depth review video that will accompany those drafts so that you understand exactly what they say.
Once approved, Ready-Made Plans will be printed, flagged for signature, and shipped to you in a customized portfolio within 1-2 business days (plus mail transit time).
Attorney Guidance meetings can be scheduled anytime you'd like with the provided link that will accompany your drafts, or just send us an email at and we're happy to coordinate it for you.
We’ve recorded guidance videos covering almost every screen you’ll see in the questionnaire, and those videos are embedded within the screen they discuss, so just hit play and let us walk you through it. If you still have questions there will be a link at the bottom of the page where you can ask any questions and we’d be happy to assist.
One of the best parts of our Ready-Made Plans is you can upgrade your level of service anytime and will only pay the difference - so your original investment is never lost! If you start start a Ready-Made plan and end up needing more attorney support than you originally thought, just send an email to and we can upgrade your plan to an Attorney Guided Estate Plan anytime.
If you end up needing more contingency planning than our Ready-Made Plans offer, you can upgrade all the way to a bespoke full service traditional plan with the help of the Attorneys at Jenkins & Jenkins, Estate Planning Attorneys, all without losing any of your money spent on a software based plan.
No! Unlike many DIY solutions on the market, our Ready-Made plans are not one size fits all, fill in the blank, templates. We’ve built a state of the art document automation solution that uses conditional logic to custom formulate your plan based on your entries. More than just a search and replace type feature, this allows for dynamic conditions to be added, removed, or adjusted within your plan to best suit how you design the plan along the way. And these aren’t just built by our licensed California Estate Planning Attorneys. They’re also the attorneys you’ll get help from if you choose an attorney review option, which makes this solution one of the most unique offerings in the marketplace!
Life happens, and your planning should be flexible to accommodate changes that do come up. With our Ready-Made plans, changes could not be easier. Simply email and request a link to make your updates online. We don't believe in charging you a "membership fee", so we don't have an annual cost for you to pay even when you're not receiving services. Instead, it costs $250 to update your Trust in the future - only pay when you're actually changing something.
Learn the Basics
Stop kicking it down the road...
We get it, Estate Planning isn’t exactly the most fun thing in the world. Trust us, we’ve made this process as easy as it can be for you. Remember, you can always come back to the plan you started and pick it up later and you have absolutely no obligation, so for once and all let’s get this done!